Kantata Admin

Group of professionals wearing Catapultk t-shirts, representing team expertise in Kantata SX solutions.

User set up and permission configuration

Are you experiencing inconsistencies in user permissions and find the set-up process complicated and time consuming? At Catapultk, we specialise in simplifying complex security models for Kantata SX to better align with your business roles. Managing user permissions can overwhelm teams, especially with intricate setup processes. Our dedicated team refines the Kantata SX security framework to make it easier for you. We ensure every user’s access aligns with their role, resolving immediate issues and setting up a smooth process for future updates. This approach tackles current challenges and creates a system that manages permissions effectively at the role level. By streamlining these processes, we reduce administrative burdens and enhance your operational efficiency. Our service delivers a seamless experience, helping you maintain a secure, well-organised system that adapts to your evolving business needs.

Businesswoman participating in an online meeting, showcasing Catapultk’s expertise in Kantata SX solutions for remote collaboration.

Kantata SX Outsourcing

Don’t want the expense and distraction of developing, managing and retaining operational Kantata skills in-house? Partnering with Catapultk provides a practical solution. Our team of professionals handle every aspect of your system’s management, delivering the support you need when you need it. Outsourcing these responsibilities lets you focus on your core business activities without the distraction of managing an in-house team. We offer flexible support tailored to your specific requirements. With our ongoing support, you access Kantata expertise at all times. Our services adapt to the changing needs of your business, ensuring your system remains efficient and operational. At Catapultk we are committed to delivering exceptional value,  and a return on your Kantata investment.